Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Weather and some Isms

It appears that spring has sprung! Or at least it's trying. This past weekend we had some surprising weather here in Wales.... I believe it is called sunshine. Very rare. Very special. Very short lived.

In honor of the nice weather, I made a point to venture outside. Though in Bangor there isn't a whole lot to do of the casual "outside" variety. The thought of springtime makes me miss Newark. In Delaware you knew that the first day of slightly warmer sun you'd be out on the green with a frisbee and an iced coffee. Bangor doesn't have a green to relax and play on. If it did, I guarantee it would be too soggy to sit on (Sunny or no, this is still Wales). So instead I took myself down for a wander around the high street. On my way down, I stumbled upon a sight I didn't quite believe...

Crocus! And that is how I know that spring is coming. Now, I've heard that after a brief slip into warmer temperatures, the east coast has just returned to cold and wintry weather. I'd like to offer these cheerful little blooms as hope that Punxsutawney Phil wasn't totally wrong. Spring really really might be just around the corner :)

To further brighten spirits, I thought I would add to my previous list of funny British "isms" I'm discovering.

- Wet rain : a concept which still escapes me slightly, apparently there are different categories of rain. Being water falling from the sky, I had always assumed that all rain was wet. It seems that some rain is wet, and some rain is.... less wet. Who am I to argue? If the Eskimos can have gillions of words for snow, leave it to the British/Welsh to have more words for rain. They should know.

- Pants : a simple word. You'd think it would mean the same thing in any version of English. Interestingly, this is not true. To me, pants means jeans or khakis or whatever "bottom" piece of apparel you wear that has legs. To the Brits, this means underwear. So if you're here in the UK, choose your words carefully if you say you're going to "change your pants" to say, dress nicer for dinner. You might not be saying what you think you are.

- Faff : a personal favorite (or favourite), this refers to the general concept of futzing/screwing around/wasting time. I find this word really hits the nail on the head. Example: Susie takes forever to get anywhere because she takes ages faffing about in the car before she gets on the road.

- Knackered : another real favorite, this means tired. Like faff, I find that this word really gets it right in the connotation department. Before, I would have said "I'm exhausted" or "I'm pooped". In the first case, I sound rather dramatic. In the second, I sound like an idiot. Knackered lands nicely between the two and I for one am all for its immediate adoption.

I have plenty more such isms, but I think I'll save the rest for another day. So for now, think happy springy thoughts, and remember: depending on what country you're in, you may or may not be wearing pants.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mid-Feb Mid-Course

That's right! Not only is it now mid-February (happy day-after-Valentine's day everybody), but it is also the exact midway point in my time here in Bangor. I've been here for exactly 5 months as of tomorrow, and 5 months from today puts me in the middle of July, by which point I intend to be home. This does all depend on my project and how that goes off (I'll take mine without a hitch, please) so I can't write it in stone that I will be home by then, but I'll do my best to make that happen.

Speaking of project stuff, remember that proposal I've been going on about for weeks? Well, it's DONE. It nearly killed me, but it's in and done. We all worked for about 2 weeks straight on our proposals and I really hope it shows in the finished product. It was due on Friday, and by Wednesday night I was tearing my hair out. A couple of us went out together for a bite to eat that night to clear our heads and none of us could begin to think about coming up with our own dinner, and it was clear we were all in the same boat. Thanks to Bangor's trademark lack of clarity or sufficient information, it proved a little overwhelming to try to figure out for ourselves what exactly this proposal business was supposed to look like. We finally got some slightly more concrete guidelines for the structure of it, but this was a mere week before it was due. A week. That's not much time to wrap your head around a concept and do all the work involved to write up a proposal which alone is worth an entire course for this semester. One document, one shot at it. One class worth. Talk about pressure!

Needless to say, by the time we were finished and it was turned in, we all needed a nap and a night out. And that is exactly what we got. After collapsing for some nice mind-numbing internet tv, Catrin and I went out on our own Friday night for some classier drinks down the hill, and eventually met up with a whole load of friends from our program at the club Octagon. Now normally, that place is kind of revolting and has an overwhelming stench of god-knows-what awful bodily substances that I just can't get past. Friday night however, it was magically unstenchified like they cleaned or something. It was meant to be. So we all had a much-needed fun night out. Saturday night we went out as well, but that was just a calm chill-out type of evening with a couple of friends, nothing wild. The rest of the weekend was nice and relaxing as well, involving as little brain function as possible. It was wonderful.

All in all the past week has been a bit of a roller coaster. Some parts extremely stressful, and other parts a whole lot of fun. To be honest, now that it's done I'm really glad that I have my proposal. It may not be the best it can be, but it is done and it took a lot of work. And, as Alejandro said to me earlier, it puts us halfway there. No, it's not worth half of my entire degree program, but it is about half of the work done in the writing of our dissertations. And knowing that some of the hardest parts are already written? That's pretty great. Granted there's still a LOT of work to be done, but it's nice to think the glass is half-full.

So I've made it halfway into February, halfway into my program, and halfway to my dissertation. Happy life half-full everybody!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The weather's loud and I'm busy

Remember how last week I mentioned the weather not being too bad so far since I've been back here? Yeah well as I feared, I tempted fate with that one. With today as a distinct exception, the past week has been rife with insane winds and rain. Now when I say insane winds I don't just mean "ooh windy, my umbrella might bend slightly inside out." I mean "oh holy bejeezus it's so windy I got blown into a wall walking to class and it's blowing through my closed window so forcefully that the curtains are actually moving." And I can't forget to mention that with "weather" in North Wales come lots of clouds. Being stuck so picturesquely between water (the Menai Strait) and mountains (Snowdonia) in a nice little valley cloud cover can get so dense that even a dry day is still dismal. There have been days when it's dark enough to have to turn overhead lights on when you get up in the morning and they stay on all day. It just never gets bright enough even when your window faces the sunny side of the building. Of course not every day is like that, but there have been a couple of real winners lately. Today, on the other hand, was lovely. Sunny, dry, and felt a little like early spring (a nice break from dismal, for sure!).

The new semester, in its week 3 infancy, is already busier than last semester. For stats we have weekly practical sessions using the stats analysis program SPSS, the first 5 of which will be graded. So we've done two of those already which actually feels pretty good compared to last semester not handing in a single piece of work to be graded until we were more than a month in. For the consumer psych course this semester, it's not really a lecture but more a time for us all to chat as a friendly group with the professor about consumer psych-y things we've noticed in the world (yesterday of course was all about Superbowl ads!) but is also built around marketing proposal projects (from a consumer psych perspective, naturally) for local businesses. In keeping with the off and running semester, these projects are already underway having chosen topics and split into groups by week 2 and already meeting with the business owners to discuss directions and ideas. It is not yet adding to the workload, but my third class, Entrepreneurial Marketing, is actually really great so far as well. I'd say all in all things are going fairly well so far.

Now, I say fairly well because if you recall last week's post or have spoken to me at all in the last 2 weeks, you will know that we have been in proposal hibernation. These proposals which sound so sweet and simple being a max of 3200 words and containing an abstract, lit review, hypotheses, methods, and results could lull an unsuspecting grad student into a false sense of security when in reality they are really complicated to put together. Each section individually, while requiring a bit of work, would not be so bad but trying to cram ALL of those sections in their most comprehensive forms into that word limit takes a verbal contortionist.

In all honesty it hasn't gone that badly so far. I can't say it has gone well, but it hasn't gone badly. Thanks to a few helpful tips and clarifications from our trusty neighborhood PhD student, Gareth, we've all gotten on alright. Not that any of us are close to finishing. Don't get any crazy ideas in your heads.

Speaking of thesis and project-related things, I have news on the ethics application front. Dan and I successfully submitted our ethics approval application 2 weeks ago after conquering the rigmarole with the online system and the people running it. Hurrah!....... or not

         Ethics application status:
         Assigned to first reviewer, due 7th Feb
         Current Date:
         8th Feb

Bangor University, in a nutshell.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Groundhog Eve

It's February! It thankfully no longer goes completely dark by 5:00pm- we might be on the way out of winter. I know you all at home are experiencing the snowpocalypse winter to end all winters, and I kind of can't believe I'm missing it (though I won't say I wish I was there). Here the weather has been strange in a very different way. Since I've been back it hasn't really felt like winter. It has been almost spring-like in a way. I can't tell if it's lulling me into a false sense of security before it slaps me in the face with winter again or if the light at the end of the winter tunnel is actually getting closer. The downside of that though would be that spring means rain. And this is Wales. And in Wales, when they say rain, they mean RAIN. But I guess we'll just have to wait and see what Punxsutawney Phil has to say tomorrow morning.

Unfortunately, now that it's February, this means that Dan and I are mostly on our own for our dissertation project. Our supervisor has taken off for California on study leave for the next 6 months or so. Additionally, her PhD student who was helping us with building our task in the experiment software has also left. Fortunately, Dan and I finished some of the bigger things last week before both Jane and Julia took off so we might not be so badly off. Our e-prime computer task is completely built, all of our experimental documents are written (several forms for participants and our questionnaires) and our ethical approval application has been submitted. Now we just wait for ethics to be approved and then for participants to sign up for our experiment.

Further to project stuff, the first step in our written dissertations (our proposal) is due at the end of next week. This proposal is no longer than a typical essay for a class, but it's not easy to put together. It must consist of an abstract, a lit review, specific statement of our hypotheses, methods, and predicted results, as well as a title page and references section, all comprising no more than 3200 words. That's a whole lot of content in not a lot of space. I'm not entirely sure how we're supposed to make any of the sections complete enough to get good marks in the proposal with such a tight word limit. It should be an interesting 2 weeks to get that figured out.

That's really all I have to report this week. Not so exciting as the last post of my grand London adventures. But hey, I'm here for school I suppose you should hear about some academics once in a while.

Here's hoping for an early spring (you hear that, Punxsy?)