Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Busy Bee Keeping it Simple

This week, in particular tonight, I am very very busy with papers to write, research to do, and lots of reading to see to. So unfortunately, I do not have the time (or, coincidentally, the material) to write a lengthy post about every moment of the past week. It is Tuesday though, and I didn't want to leave you all high and dry, so instead I am going to show you some of what I do here- the fun stuff, anyway.

Given that this is Consumer Psychology and we spend much of our time discussing marketing and advertising, we also spend time looking at specific ads and considering who is it for? what was the goal? is it successful in achieving it's objectives? Here are some of my favorites that I have stumbled upon on my own time in doing research. Heads up: they might not be entirely appropriate ;)

This one has been out for quite a while, and I think most people have seen it, but it's just so perfect in so many ways in terms of psych-y advertising:

Now this one I found and thought was pretty funny, and definitely catches your attention as a viewer. I'm not sure where this was located (clearly not the states), but I think it's pretty effective for a familiar brand

This last ad I personally find hilarious. It's mildly inappropriate and again, not aired in the US, but even beyond the entertainment factor, it's actually a really good ad from technical perspectives.

That's it for me this week. Schoolwork calls, unfortunately. Hopefully I'll have time and plenty to say next week!


  1. No particularly witty response today. Instead, I bring you a Old Spice parody of a hot girl doing the Old Spice thang. Also, stop being so sick lil' bear.


  2. Every year the MFA does a viewing of the "Best International Commercials" or some such film event. It's always a hit. Amazing how much more enjoyable commercials can be when you don't let that pesky Puritan morality get in the way ;)

  3. So I'm teaching about motivation tomorrow and was considering discussing how different ads motivate us to go out and buy certain things. I began this post thinking "oh hey maybe Elizabeth will give me some ideas!".... ideas yes, ideas that will not get me fired...no. :)
