Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Reading Rainbow

Not much has changed since this time last week. Consumer project/report deadline still looming, as is the impending doom of a statistics exam on Friday, aaand then a presentation for the aforementioned project scheduled for the beginning of next week. Needless to say, I've got a lot to do.

Therefore, I don't have much to say, nor time which I could take to say it. One cool thing happened though, over the weekend. I saw the base of a huge rainbow out my window over in the hills in front of the mountains. What makes it cool was a) it was the end of a rainbow, and b) it was really close. The next day (as we were having on-and-off heavy showers for a few days in a row) another rainbow showed up in the same place! I noticed it, looked back at my computer for a minute, and then when I glanced up again the colors had become brighter than I have ever seen in a rainbow outside of cartoons.

I whipped out my camera to see if it would come out clearly and this is what I got:

I apologize for not having much to say, but the end of term is eating my life. This time next week though it'll all be better :) I'll see you on the other side!

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