Tuesday, March 15, 2011

the Ides of March

Beware them (the Ides, that is).

In this week's installment of Elizabeth's Life, there's not a whole lot going on. Because of that, and the response to last week's pictures, here is another dose of springtime

Oh but there is big news in my life this week...... drumroll please...... as of a sudden decision this week, I will be coming home for a visit next month! You can blame (or thank) Miss Meaghan Toole/soon-to-be Kline, and the US Navy for that. That's right! My bffff/girlfriend is getting married next month. This is obviously very exciting and I couldn't stand the thought that I might miss it. Fortunately for me, Bangor has a 3-week break which just happens to fall around the date of the wedding. So I worked some magic (read: pulled out a credit card) and I'll officially be home this time next month for about 2 weeks!

I'm pretty excited about that. After Christmas, I had become accustomed to the idea that I wouldn't be home again until probably July, so honestly I'm having a hard time adjusting my mindset now that I will be at home in a month! I'm sure I'll get used to the idea pretty quickly though :) Between now and then though, there's a good bit of work to get done. I've got a project proposal, a paper which needs to be done early since it's due while I'll be in another country, as well as research-y stuff. Ready, set, work!

So beware those pesky Ides (of March), have a Caesar salad while you're at it, and I'll see you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Any chance of getting down to DC at all?

    Also, the Ides were not kind to me. I saw the Massacre of Alexandria... that is, the ruin of Phil's Mom's Office's computer. I was in surgery for 3 hours with no luck. But I left a prescription and will be back later to try again.

    Not quite a knife wounds, but still bad.
